Monday, June 6, 2011

DUI Defense Attorney Englewood

Driving under the influence is a serious crime that has serious consequences. The law does not look lightly upon drivers who drink and drive. If you are charged with a DUI, you should immediately seek representation. Without a DUI defense attorney, the consequences of your actions may be more severe. You’ll need an experienced DUI attorney to defend your rights and make sure you are given the opportunity to rectify the situation through community service, the payment of fines or other measures, but not through the loss of your driver’s license and/or independence.

A DUI conviction can result in loss of your driver’s license or, most severely, jail time which can affect your life in so many adverse ways. If you lose your license, getting to work, taking care of your children and simple errands will suddenly become difficult and complicated parts of your day.  Jail time is obviously the worst loss of freedom you could experience, but the sentence lasts beyond the jailhouse because your record will be permanent causing you difficulties that can last for years.

If you are charged with a DUI in Englewood, you’ll need an experienced DUI attorney to defend your rights. You can count on V. Iyer of the Iyer Law Office to work tirelessly to defend you.