Monday, August 15, 2011

Drunk Driving Defense Denver

Obviously, the best defense against drunk driving charges is not to get behind the wheel, but the world is an imperfect place.  You may be wrongly charged for a number of reasons, or you may have overestimated your tolerance or underestimated your intake, and mistakenly thought you were fit to drive home.   In any of those cases, Denver’s Iyer Law Office is the expert in drunk driving defense that you need.   V. Iyer has experience prosecuting criminal cases such as DWI’s from his time in the DA’s office, and brings that experience to your defense against your drunk driving charges.  

Without proper defense, a drunk driving charge can not only lead to jail time, but can also have serious long term effects on your criminal record, future employability and other aspects of your life ahead of you, and no one wants to spend the rest of their life paying for one serious mistake.  

A skilled, experienced defense lawyer can help to mitigate the damages from your drunk driving case, even if you are found guilty, help you to move past the consequences of that mistake and get on with your life.  Contact Iyer Law Office in Denver to discuss how we can help with your drunk driving defense.