Wednesday, May 28, 2014

DUI Attorney Englewood

In Colorado a DUI conviction can have lasting consequences.  If you are in the process of choosing a DUI attorney in Englewood, discover why the Iyer Law Office is your best choice.  His experience with thousands of DUI trials on his docket allows him the knowledge for a winning legal defense when time is of the essence.

In addition to the loss of your license, a DUI will also likely increase your insurance rates, and will require you to take time from work to attend alcohol classes.  A DUI can jeopardize future employment and for these reasons, you need a DUI attorney with experience.

Attorney Iyer will listen to all the facts and honestly answer any questions you may have. If you are facing a DUI charge and are looking for a DUI attorney in Englewood, contact us today.  We will do what it takes to earn your trust and provide you with the experienced and expert legal defense you deserve.