Saturday, February 7, 2015

Colorado DUI Attorney

If you have been charged with any criminal offense, it can be a frightening experience.  A DUI charge is serious and requires an attorney well versed in this type of law.  The Iyer Law Office has the experience you need when you are looking for a Colorado DUI attorney.  

The consequences of a DUI charge can be severe.  It can impact future employment and even your lifestyle. Attorney Iyer will work diligently to defend your legal rights and provide the aggressive defense you need to get the best possible outcome.

As a Colorado DUI attorney, we have a high rate of trial success in cases ending in not guilty verdicts or dismissals. We work to provide clients with a winning legal defense when time is crucial.  If you are facing this serious charge and are looking for a Colorado DUI attorney, trust our experience to handle your case. Call to schedule your consultation today.

For more information about Iyer DUI visit our website at